Debugging and Profiling OCaml Code

Are you tired of spending hours trying to find that one elusive bug in your OCaml code? Do you wish you could optimize your code to run faster? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the world of debugging and profiling OCaml code.


Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors in your code. OCaml provides several tools to help you debug your code.

Print Statements

One of the simplest ways to debug your code is by using print statements. You can use the print_endline function to print out the value of a variable at a certain point in your code. For example:

let x = 5 in
print_endline (string_of_int x);

This will print out the value of x as a string.

OCaml Debugger

OCaml also comes with a built-in debugger called ocamldebug. This tool allows you to step through your code line by line and inspect the values of variables at each step. To use ocamldebug, you need to compile your code with the -g flag:

ocamlc -g

Then, you can start the debugger by running:

ocamldebug myfile

This will start the debugger and stop at the first line of your code. You can then use the following commands to step through your code:

Error Messages

OCaml also provides helpful error messages when your code fails to compile or run. These error messages can give you clues as to where the problem is in your code. For example:

File "", line 3, characters 4-5:
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type string

This error message tells you that there is a type mismatch on line 3 of


Profiling is the process of measuring the performance of your code and identifying bottlenecks. OCaml provides several tools to help you profile your code.

Time Profiling

One way to profile your code is by measuring the time it takes to execute each function. OCaml provides a built-in Sys.time function that returns the current CPU time in seconds. You can use this function to measure the time it takes to execute a function. For example:

let rec fib n =
  if n < 2 then n
  else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

let start_time = Sys.time () in
let result = fib 40 in
let end_time = Sys.time () in
Printf.printf "fib 40 = %d\n" result;
Printf.printf "Time: %f seconds\n" (end_time -. start_time);

This will print out the result of the fib function and the time it took to execute.

Memory Profiling

Another way to profile your code is by measuring the amount of memory it uses. OCaml provides a built-in Gc.stat function that returns information about the garbage collector. You can use this function to measure the amount of memory your code is using. For example:

let rec fib n =
  if n < 2 then n
  else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

let result = fib 40 in
let gc_stats = Gc.stat () in
Printf.printf "fib 40 = %d\n" result;
Printf.printf "Memory: %d words\n" gc_stats.Gc.live_words;

This will print out the result of the fib function and the amount of memory it used in words.

OCaml Profiler

OCaml also comes with a built-in profiler called ocamlprof. This tool allows you to profile your code and generate a report of the time and memory usage of each function. To use ocamlprof, you need to compile your code with the -p flag:

ocamlc -p

Then, you can run your code as usual. After your code finishes running, you can generate a report by running:

ocamlprof myfile

This will generate a report in HTML format that you can view in your web browser. The report will show you the time and memory usage of each function in your code.


Debugging and profiling are essential tools for any OCaml developer. With the tools provided by OCaml, you can easily find and fix errors in your code, as well as optimize its performance. So next time you encounter a bug or want to improve your code's performance, remember these tips and tools. Happy coding!

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